Future Projects Partnership

Future Projects Partnership

In 2014, Penarth Town Council published a Town Place Plan. The Town Council talked to hundreds of local people as part of the preparation of this Plan and the resulting document sets out how local people would like to see their town develop in the coming years.

It was not the idea to create a document that would remain frozen in time, but rather, the Plan was seen as a starting point for a programme of work that would react to ongoing changes in the physical and social environment of the town and that would help the community face the challenges of the future.

Shortly after the publication of the Plan, the ‘Interim Momentum Group’ was formed. This was made up of a number of local residents who wanted to get involved with shaping their local community and help to deliver some of the objectives and themes originally identified in the Town Place Plan. Officers from the Town Council and representatives from the Vale of Glamorgan Council also help to facilitate the work of the Group and three Town Councillors attend meetings as observers and offer advice where appropriate. The Group’s reports are submitted to the Town Council’s Strategic Review Group and any spending of Town Council funds is authorised by the relevant Council Committee at their regular public meetings. The Group also applies for funding from other sources to support proposed projects wherever possible

This Group has continued to meet on a monthly basis and has now been renamed as the ‘Future Projects Partnership Group’. The Group has attracted new members over time and such co-option onto the Group is approved by Group Members and Councillors, based on such members bringing new areas of skills and experience to the Group.

Penarth Bench Feedback

Thank you for all of the feedback comments that were submitted via the ‘Penarth Bench Feedback Page’. We are very grateful to all of you who have taken the time to share your thoughts about ...

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