Penarth’s Town Mayor is elected annually by Town Council Members at their Annual General Meeting.

The candidate holds office for one year, becoming the ‘First Citizen’ of the town. Throughout their year, they perform various ceremonial duties and act as the public face of the Council at official, civic and community events.

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The Current Town Mayor

The Town Mayor

The Current Town Mayor

Meet Councillor Gwenda Roberts who was elected Penarth Town Mayor on Friday, 17th May 2024 at the Annual General Meeting of Penarth Town Council.

Gwenda represents St Augustine’s Ward and is a member of the Welsh Labour group. She served as Deputy Mayor in 2023/24.

Cllr Roberts expressed her feelings about the new role, stating: I feel very humble, privileged  and proud to be inaugurated as Mayor for the year. Penarth has given me a lot over the years and it’s now time to give something back. Mae’n amser rhoi rhywbeth yn ôl.”

Reflecting on her time in Penarth since moving to here 1989, “I have always been grateful for what Penarth offered us as a family – ac y cyfleoedd mae’n dal  i rhoi i ni fel teulu. It’s hard to beat it really, mae’n anodd i guro and hard to think of a better place in which to raise a family – a place that gives children and young people the confidence to roam and to become independent in safety, before they roam even wider. My hope is that Penarth continues to provide that – not to stay exactly the same of course because things never do stay the same, but that it sustains a community that is great not just for children but for people of all ages. And in my role as Mayor, as others have done before me, I hope to give as much publicity and support as I can to the groups and the businesses in the town so that Penarth can continue to provide that environment.”

As well as dedicating time to town activities the Mayor is also responsible for raising money for a charity of their choice. Cllr Roberts has chosen to raise money for Tenevous. Discussing her choice of charity, Cllr Roberts expressed, “I believe quite strongly in raising awareness of the support that is offered and by raising awareness for people not to be afraid of asking for help”.

Previous Town Mayors

Previous Town Mayors

The past 10 years