The Vale of Glamorgan Council is the Planning Authority for the Penarth Area. They determine the outcomes of all applications.
Penarth Town Council acts as a statutory consultee. We are notified of all planning applications within the boundaries of Penarth and invited to submit observations accordingly.
The Town Council has a scheme of officer delegation and observations on the more routine applications are determined by the Town Clerk and reported to the Town Council’s Planning Matters Committee.
Routine applications that may raise cause for concern are referred by the Town Clerk to the Committee along with applications for redevelopment, new build, large developments, and sites of interest or change of use.
Residents of the community may register to speak at Planning Matters Committee where planning applications are being discussed, subject to the appropriate notice being submitted and accepted. There is strict protocol that needs to be required which can be found below.
If you are a resident wishing to register to speak, please complete the form below or phone us on 02920 700 721. If you are an organisation such as a planning developer looking to make an official presentation to Members, please get in touch.
Registrations for speaking must be received no later than three clear working days prior to the date of the meeting in question.