All members, including co-opted members of Penarth Town Council must complete a Register of Interests form to register their financial and other interests.
Members must provide the following details:
- Any employment or business, including:
- The name of their employer
- Name of any firms at which they are a partner
- Details of any directorships held
- People who paid towards their expenses
- Contracts between themselves or their firm and Penarth Town Council
- Interests in any land or property in the area
- Any licences to occupy land in the area
- Any tenancies held where the council is the landlord
- Membership of organisations, including bodies to which they have been appointed by the council
- Any offer of gifts or hospitality of a value over £50 that they have received in their capacity as a Member
Members must complete a register of interests form within 28 days of being elected. Each Councillor’s Register of Interest Form can be found under their listing here.