In our February meeting we were approached by Gwyrddio Penarth Greening (GPG) about the possibility of planting some trees at Wordsworth Park.  Penarth Youth Action have previously been involved in the upgrade of the play equipment in the park and we jumped at the chance to get involved! 


GPG had some funds available to purchase some ornamental trees or some fruit trees.  We decided that fruit trees would be the best option as they would create a community orchard and be a visually appealing addition to the park.    


On 07.03.18 Penarth Youth Action went to Wordsworth Park with members of GPG and a representative from the Vale Council’s Park department, and planted 

the following fruit trees: 6 Apple, 1 Ellisons Orange, 1 Grenadier, 1 Lanes Prince Albert, 1 Lord Lambourne, 1 James Grieve, 1 Lord Derby, 1 Damson (Shropshire Prune), 1 Cherry (Stella), 1 Pear (Conference),and 1 Plum (Victoria).  All of which are traditional Welsh varieties that would have grown in orchards hundreds of years ago.  


The fruit orchard is for the local community to use.  It will help promote community production and ownership of fruit, and help residents rediscover the pleasures of eating fruit grown close to home. The orchard will also create habitats for wildlife in the park.   


It may take a while, but Penarth Youth Action are looking forward to seeing the fruit the trees produce, and support the maintenance and up keep of the orchard! 


Thanks again to GPG for giving us this great opportunity!