In a brand-new region-wide initiative, the Vale of Glamorgan Council are looking to spend the next 6 months working collaboratively with SME’ businesses supporting you to access and bid for tenders and work with them. The Vale are wanting to use public procurement as a tool to deliver wider economic, social and environmental benefits and they want to hear from you!
The Vale of Glamorgan Coincil are wanting to increase communication and awareness between the buyers and you our current, potential and future suppliers. The Vale want to improve your capacity to bid for tenders and they will be running a series of workshops, business seminars, 1-2-1 business support and mentoring. But they need to hear from you to understand how best to deliver this initiative, so it works for you!
How to do business with the Vale of Glamorgan Council?
Are you interested in doing business with the Vale? They want to know about you!
To make sure The Vale can get in touch with you, email who will be managing 1-2-1 support from the 4th September.
You can view opportunities for both Vale of Glamorgan Council and Public Sector organisations across Wales on Sell2Wales to better understand what we are currently looking to procure.
What are they buying?
The Vale of Glamorgan Council buy different types of works, good and services, varying in type and cost.
If you are interested in doing business with them, the list below highlights some of the main sectors they are currently buying from:
- Works and Construction,
- Design, Marketing,
- Advocacy,
- Training,
- Catering,
- Food Chain,
- Health & Social Care
You can check all our current contract opportunities through Sell2Wales
Got a question?
If you require help please contact the vale team by emailing
Menter Gydweithredol
Mewn menter newydd sbon ar draws y rhanbarth, mae Cyngor Bro Morgannwg am dreulio’r 6 mis nesaf yn cydweithio â’n busnesau bach a chanolig (BBaCh) i’ch helpu i gael mynediad i’n tendrau a gweithio gyda ni. Rydym yn awyddus i ddefnyddio ein gwaith caffael cyhoeddus fel offeryn i sicrhau manteision economaidd, cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol ehangach ac rydym am glywed gennych chi!
Rydym yn awyddus i gynyddu cyfathrebu ac ymwybyddiaeth rhyngom ni’r prynwyr a chi, ein cyflenwyr presennol, cyflenwyr posibl a chyflenwyr y dyfodol. Rydym am wella eich gallu i wneud cais am dendrau a byddwn yn cynnal cyfres o weithdai, seminarau busnes, cymorth busnes un-i-un a mentora. Ond mae angen i ni glywed gennych chi i ddeall sut orau i gyflwyno’r fenter hon fel ei bod yn gweithio i chi!
Sut i wneud busnes gyda Chyngor Bro Morgannwg?
Oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn gwneud busnes gyda ni? Rydyn ni eisiau gwybod amdanoch chi!
Er mwyn gwneud yn siwr y gallwn gysylltu â chi, e-bostiwch a fydd yn rheoli’r cymorth un-i-un o’r 4ydd Medi.
Gallwch weld cyfleoedd ar gyfer Cyngor Bro Morgannwg a sefydliadau Sector Cyhoeddus ledled Cymru ar GwerthwchiGymru i ddeall yn well yr hyn rydym yn bwriadu ei gaffael ar hyn o bryd.
Beth ydyn ni’n ei brynu?
Rydym yn prynu gwahanol fathau o waith, nwyddau a gwasanaethau sy’n amrywio o ran math a chost.
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud busnes gyda ni, mae’r rhestr isod yn dangos rhai o’r prif sectorau rydym yn prynu ohonynt ar hyn o bryd:
Gwaith ac Adeiladu, Dylunio, Marchnata, Eiriolaeth, Hyfforddiant, Arlwyo, Cadwyn Fwyd, Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol
Gallwch gadw golwg ar ein holl gyfleoedd contract presennol trwy GwerthwchiGymru
Os oes angen help arnoch, cysylltwch â ni drwy anfon e-bost at