Penarth’s Mayor for 2019/2020, Cllr Angela Thomas began her year’s charitable activities with a very successful coffee morning in aid of her nominated charity, the National Autistic Society Cardiff and Vale Branch.
Held at West House on the 19th of June, the event brought together community groups, the Vale of Glamorgan Council, businesses, charities and other dignitaries, alongside the Town Council’s Members.
Angela was supported by her Consort, along with Cllr. Mark Wilson, the Deputy Town Mayor.
Angela Thomas represents Plymouth Ward and served as Deputy Mayor in 2019/2020.
Cllr. Thomas said “ It was a chance for the community to come and meet the new Mayor and find out more about my chosen charity, with Lynda from the National Autistic Society Cardiff and Vale.
“Thank you to Jo Jones of the Vale of Glamorgan sports and play team for providing garden activities for children. I appreciate the support by very generous donations of raffle prizes from local businesses, and donations of various delicious cakes.
“I look forward to meeting everyone in the year to come, with some great events planned.”
The National Autistic Society Cymru works with autistic people across Wales. They provide a wide range of quality, personalised support services for people on the autism spectrum and their families and carers.
Autism is a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them.
Look out for more monthly coffee mornings by the Mayor, where all ages are welcome.
More information on the National Autistic Society Cardiff and The Vale Branch can be found at
For more information on events and the Penarth Mayor’s activities check out the Mayor’s Facebook Page or the Town Council website at