Penarth in Bloom continues to bring colour to our town. The scheme, developed by Penarth Town Council, aims to encourage the community to plant and grow, helping to improve the ‘garden by the sea.’


Summer planters have been proudly displayed all across Penarth. The planter scheme continues to expand, with over 70 planters now brightening the town.


This is the second year of partnership with Vision 21, a Cardiff based charity that aims to provide ‘realistic work-based training opportunities for people with learning needs.’ Vision 21 provide the handsome, bespoke woodwork planters and their Oaks Garden Nursery supplied all the plants. The Town Council’s thanks go to them.


Judging in this year’s Wales in Bloom awards took place on July 15th and Penarth will be hoping to build on last year’s success, when results are announced in September.


The Town Council commends all businesses for looking after the planters so well, with a reminder to businesses to water them regularly, especially if they notice the soil is dry.


Beyond the awards in September, it’s onwards and upwards for Penarth in Bloom, with the scheme already looking forwards to the Christmas planters and the Best Decorated Tree Competition. Keep an eye out after the summer holidays for more info.


Town Clerk, Emma Boylan said “We are delighted to have so many businesses on board with Penarth in Bloom. Seeing so many colourful planters makes such a positive impact on the landscape of the town, and we hope everyone who has taken part again this year is as proud as we are.”