Penarth Town Council is pleased to confirm that we will reopen Penarth cemetery on a trial basis from Monday 11th May.
During this difficult time, it will be necessary for us to operate reduced hours under this trial and the cemetery will be open to visit the graves of loved ones on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between the hours of 10am-2pm.
We understand people’s wish in the current pandemic to mourn and pay respects to those who remain dear to them. To ensure that this can continue, we ask all visitors to take good care of themselves and others by observing current health guidance, including social distancing. We must also ask that the grounds are not used for exercise or dog walking.
Please help us look after the cemetery by taking any waste materials home and please note that the toilets remain closed.
For health and safety reasons, it will be necessary for us to close the grounds during a funeral. In current circumstances, grounds maintenance has been scaled back and normal maintenance levels will resume when it is safe to do so.
We hope that reopening the cemetery brings comfort and thank you for supporting us in keeping yourself and others safe.