Are you able to:
- Provide professional planning advice to the Town Council in its role as statutory consultee on all planning applications and pre-application consultations in the Penarth Town Council area?
- Provide professional planning support to the team at Penarth Town Council including the Town Clerk, Councillors, and staff in responding to consultations and on planning related matters?
- Review all notified planning applications and pre-application consultations, check against relevant planning policies, comments from interested parties and provide a recommendation for Town Clerk comments or a brief report for committee items to Penarth Town Council for consideration?
- Liaise with Planning Officers of the Vale of Glamorgan Council as and when required?
Penarth Town Council would be interested in hearing from you.
Please write to us with your proposal to undertake this work and set out your annual/monthly fees and charges to do so.
On average, we receive about 18 planning applications per month which are a variety of Town Clerk Observations, Chair and Vice Chair observations and Committee observations.
This figure will fluctuate with some months producing less applications and others more. We would anticipate this balancing out to create an even cost per month.
This opportunity is open until 24th September at 4.30pm.
Please email with your application proposals and if you have any questions or queries, please submit these FAO Emma Boylan, Town Clerk via this mailbox.