Walking and cycling charity Sustrans Cymru and the Vale of Glamorgan Council are working with Fairfield Primary School to reduce congestion and improve air quality on the streets surrounding the school.

The project, Fairfield Primary School Street Design, involves pupils and local residents playing an important role in identifying the issues and developing a plan to address problems such as traffic congestion during the school run and air pollution. The project aims to create a safer, more pleasant environment for walking, wheeling and cycling.

Sustrans have held a series of workshops for pupils, parents, staff, and local residents to develop ideas for improving the streets around the school.

To celebrate and showcase the ideas and results so far, local residents, pupils, parents and staff are now being invited to a street party in front of the Tennyson Road shops on Saturday 24th July, 13:00 – 16:00. During the event there will be plenty of opportunities for people to have their say and share their thoughts on the future of the Fairfield neighbourhood and what it takes for it to become a healthier, greener and more attractive place for everyone.

Further information can be found at the project website here.