In February half term 2019, PYA members met up to do some work with Access Penarth and the Penarth Mayor, Councillor Luxton. We also had some workshops to do.


Charlotte Pugh came to run a workshop with us on the Belle Vue Pavilion. This building is going to be renovated. We wanted to pass on some of our ideas on how the building could look, what it could be used for and some ideas for the public art element.

PYA members suggested that the building could be used a youth centre or community building, when the weather is nice Belle Vue Park can get very busy so we also suggested a café could be incorporated into the building. This could be really good community area.

As for the art element, PYA members think that a mural of Penarth on one of the walls would be a nice idea. This mural could also be made using 3D objects such as pebbles and other items found locally.


Heads Above the Waves are a community interest company that raise awareness of depression and self-harm in young people. They promote positive and create ways for young people to deal with these feelings when they happen.

Mental health is a big issue with young people in the Vale of Glamorgan, as we have found again from our last Make Your Mark Campaign. We met HATW at Pride Cymru LGBTQ+ Youth Festival in 2018. PYA members were very interested to have HATW visit them to do a workshop this half term.

In the workshop we talked about good and bad things that had happened that week and our favourite things to do. We talked about coping mechanisms for when we feel stressed. We got to try one method, drumming patterns! This was really fun and it was a good way to take your mind off everything as you really had to concentrate. We then looked at different support networks around us such as family and friends, and things we have to look forward too. It is important to remember that when you having bad days that you have people around you that care, and you have things to look forward to.

your bit doesn’t feel important by itself, but it plays an important part in the whole piece”


PYA members then went into Penarth Town to run the Access Penarth Survey on behalf of Access Penarth and the Penarth Mayor, Councillor Luxton. We took the survey around 18 local pubs, cafes, shops and businesses to find out how accessible these shops are, and if they are interested supporting the Access Penarth Pledge to help Penarth become a welcoming town for people with disabilities. This includes hidden disabilities as well as physical.

We have found out some really useful information which we will be sharing with Access Penarth.  Many of the businesses are already taking big steps to make their buildings more accessible by widening aisles, having ramps installed or removable ramps. All businesses are happy to go the extra mile to help someone who may need assistance in their building.

PYA hope to continue working with Access Penarth to help Penarth become a welcoming town for people with disabilities.