Penarth Town Council is abuzz to be awarded Bee Friendly accreditation by Welsh Government.


This national initiative is believed to be the first in the world aimed at encouraging people to help pollinators, including bees and butterflies, by creating a nation of Pollinator-Friendly communities and organisations.


Bee Friendly is aimed at communities and community organisations, schools, public bodies, town and community councils, businesses, universities and colleges, places of worship and many other organisations, all around Wales.

The Four Goals of Bee Friendly are:

  1. Food – providing pollinator-friendly food sources.
  2. Five Star accommodation – providing places for insect pollinators to live.
  3. Freedom from pesticides and herbicides – committing to avoid chemicals that harm pollinators.
  4. Fun – involving all the community and telling people why you are helping pollinators.


Town Clerk, Emma Boylan said “The Town Council is proud to be recognised in joining the Bee Friendly movement.


Penarth has wonderful green spaces and our Penarth in Bloom scheme has produced a number of initiatives in partnership, with the enthusiasm of our staff and community.


We’ve seen a revived Arcot Street Triangle, town planters schemes, the developing West House gardens, and the achievement of Green Flag status for The Kymin grounds.


We aim to play our part in halting the decline in pollinators and protecting our ecosystem.”