Our friends at Penarth View have collated this extensive list of businesses in Penarth that are adapting their services during the coronavirus outbreak
Follow this link to keep up to date regarding businesses in Penarth
As you would expect, Penarth’s independent retailers are rallying together to support residents who need to self-isolate during the Coronavirus outbreak. It is true to say that this outbreak is sure to rock our independent retailers, so please make your you support them as best as you can. With more and more shops going over and above to support residents over the coming weeks, please make the effort to support them in return. We’ve listed some of the extra options available from retailers below, and we’ll make sure to keep the list updated.
Also check out the Shop Penarth loyalty scheme, for local offers and discounts.
Needless to say, now is the time to pull together and show true community spirit. As well as supporting your local independents, why not pop a note into your neighbors, especially if they are older, to let them know you’re available to run errands and pick up groceries.