Penarth Town Council has joined the country wide Silent Soldier campaign. These Silent Soldier silhouettes will appear across the country as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.
The Silent Soldier is the near life-size silhouette of a First World War ‘Tommy’ and the Council recently installed one in the grounds of West House.
More than 1.1 million British and Empire service men and women gave their lives during the First World War so that future generations could live theirs. The Royal British Legion aims to ensure that we pay our respects to those who gave so much.
The First World War changed communities across Britain and the allied countries forever. These same communities are coming together in many different ways to reflect and remember the huge sacrifice that so many made during the First World War and say thank you to those who rebuilt the country after the war. The Silent Soldier stands as a tribute to those who didn’t return home and to those whose lives would never be the same again.
Why a Silent Soldier?
Following the end of the war in November 1918, the process of demobilisation and discharge was still a long process as the British Army still had commitments to fulfil in Germany, North Russia and in the garrisons of the Empire. On arrival back in England the men would move to a Dispersal Centre, this was a hutted or tented camp or barracks where they received a railway warrant or ticket to their home station. From there they were on their own, and would be seen across the country, walking back home, down the roads and across the fields, returning to their families. Most of the war service men were back in civilian life by the end of 1919.
How to get involved
The Royal British Legion is inviting organisations, community groups and individuals to support the Silent Soldier campaign by donating for and displaying a Silent Soldier to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, from now to the end of December 2018. The Silent Soldier could be placed on a roundabout, in gardens, fields, on buildings, in the countryside, towns and cities across the nation.
Penarth’s Silent Soldier is part of the town’s commemorative programme being developed between the community and the Town Council.